Monday, August 07, 2006

You've Been Invited...

If you're reading this website for the first time, it's probably because you just received our wedding invitation. This is the place to check for the latest news updates and details about our wedding. Along the right hand side of the page under "Wedding Links", you'll find quick links to important pieces of information like where the church or reception is as well as some local travel information for our out-of-town guests. Speaking of out-of-towners, if you haven't made your hotel reservations, please do so ASAP. Our wedding weekend is also NASCAR weekend here in KC and hotel rooms are tighter than Joan Rivers' face (bah-dum!). For more details about the room shortages and possible solutions, click here.

Check back here as the event gets closer for maps and directions as well as other travel details like restaurant recommendations and other entertainment options that weekend.

Thanks for stopping by. Hope to see you in September!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Change of Address

Yesterday, Laurie and I closed on a house. During the month of August, we'll be cleaning, painting and updating it before we move out of our places and merge the cats into one big happy (hopefully!) family. In case you want to update your address book, our new address is:

12141 Craig Street
Overland Park, KS 66213

Pictures of the new place to follow...